3 Inexpensive Stocking Filler Ideas for Kids this Christmas

‘Christmas is a stocking stuffed with sugary goodness.’

Or used to be once upon a time, to be more precise. When we woke up on Christmas mornings as kids, I remember the loudest squeals of delight being reserved for the cylindrical sticks of striped sweet rock candy curved like walking sticks, which were poking out from the tops of our heavily laden stockings. But today’s kids? Pop in a candy cane into their Christmas stocking and they’ll be ripping it out in a jiffy, more eager to see the heavy stuff underneath. Sigh! Talk about the smallest pleasures in life being the sweetest!


Christmas” by PublicDomainPictures is licensed under CC by 2.0

Well, let’s come back to the present. Xmas is right upon us and you would have probably already thought up of gifts that your little ones are looking forward to (thanks to being privy to the ‘sealed’ letters to Santa Claus). Apart from these expected gifts which will occupy pride of place beneath the Christmas tree, here are a couple of fun yet inexpensive ideas for the stockings hung up by the chimney. After all, the Christmas stocking legend continues to live on!

Keychain – with a key

Something as simple as a keychain can be a great Christmas stocking present for your child – provided it has a key dangling at the key ring end of it! The key could be that of your child’s desk shelf, or that of a drawer in the cupboard, or even of his or her own room (of course, you will need to keep a duplicate key with yourself in this case). While the keychain could be your little one’s favorite cartoon – be it Mickey Mouse, Pokemon, Minions or even Batman, the fact that the child is responsible enough to own a key would be a big deal for him or her. In no time, you’ll see them flaunting their gift in front of their friends, boasting about the prized possessions locked away from prying eyes!

Movie tickets for the family

This is something my kids have come to expect every year in their stockings. They know that somewhere in its deep recesses there will be tickets for the whole family for a show everyone has been looking forward to since a while. The son is a fan of Charlie Brown, so last year it was The Peanuts Movie; before that it was my daughter’s love for her favorite dragon games which led us to watch the second part of How to Train Your Dragon. This year it’s probably going to be Disney’s Moana which we’ll all be heading to. Makes for a fun family outing on the occasion.

Fairy lights for their room


Magical” by AllSimpleThings is licensed under CC by 2.0

Agreed, the Christmas tree is done up with fairy lights, and a real fairy with wings plus a wand adorning the top. But then, won’t your kids be super excited at the prospect of hanging a string of twinkling, colorful fairy lights against the curtains in their room, or on top of the frame of their bed? It’ll make Christmas all the more special for them! What’s more, a variety of LED fairy lights are available today which are perfectly safe with even the bulbs not heating up when lighted. Needless to say, when night falls, you will probably have no trouble at all tucking them into bed, with the star-like glow to keep them company!

May this Yuletide spirit bring an abundance of cheer in your lives… Merry Christmas!

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